Tees Transporter Bridge (Paperback)
作者: Tosh Warwick 
書城編號: 1483855

原價: HK$224.00
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出版社: Amberley Publishing Local
出版日期: 2021/06/15
尺寸: 234x165x8mm
ISBN: 9781445682617

The Tees Transporter Bridge has been one of the north-east's most widely recognised landmarks since opening in 1911. It is the longest working transporter bridge in the world and an iconic symbol of Teesside's engineering and industrial heritage. The Bridge has a rich heritage spanning transporting millions of iron and steel workers across the Tees for decades, surviving Luftwaffe bombing, featuring on the big and small screen including Billy Elliot and Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, and has in recent years become one of the UK's major sites for extreme sports including abseils, bungee jumps and zip-slides. Following extensive multi-million pound renovation to mark the Bridge's centenary in 2011, which has transformed the Transporter into an award winning Visitor Experience, this book draws upon hitherto unpublished archival photographs, plans, documents and oral history collections to celebrate the story of the iconic structure including key milestones, moments and memories in the structure's history up to the modern day.
Tosh Warwick 作者作品表

Middlesbrough: The Postcard Collection (Paperback)

Tees Transporter Bridge (Paperback)

A-Z of Middlesbrough (Paperback)

Central Middlesbrough (Paperback)

eBook: Central Middlesbrough Through Time (DRM EPUB)

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