Sauce on Sunday: An Ancestral Journey to Find my Sicilian Roots (Paperback)
作者: Janet Sierzant 
書城編號: 14860035

售價: $230.00

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出版社: La Maison Pub Inc
出版日期: 2018/12/15
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781970153019


While sitting at a restaurant with two of my fellow authors, one asked me about my Sicilian background. I laughed and said, "All I know is, we always have sauce on Sunday." My friends joined in the laughter, but I realized that I didn't really know too much about the maternal part of my heritage. Something awoke inside of me and I had the desire to find out exactly from where I came. I began the quest for my roots by taking an ancestry DNA test. Within a few months, I had the surprise of my life. I discovered that my grandfather had a second sister, whom he left behind in Sicily. Who would ever have thought that the grandchildren of three siblings, separated during their youth, would find each other after a lifetime of being apart?

Sauce on Sunday is a chronicle of my ancestry search, adventures to Sicily and the history of a small fishing village called Sciacca, where my grandfather grew up. Included are photos, maps, and recipes.

Janet Sierzant 作者作品表

Justice Rules (Paperback)

eBook: Gemini Joe (DRM EPUB)

Asunder (Paperback)

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