Go Lean Vegan (Paperback)
作者: Christine Bailey 
分類: Diets & dieting ,
Cookery for specific diets & conditions ,
Vegetarian cookery  
書城編號: 1487582

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版日期: 2017/11/07
尺寸: 199x131x20mm
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9781473642089
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A plant-based diet that can help you not only look great, but also lose weight!

This revolutionary step-by-step 30-day diet plan will help you lose weight and start feeling better fast - while eating delicious, satisfying plant-based foods (and absolutely no calorie counting).

Carefully developed by award-winning nutritionist and chef Christine Bailey, including nutritionally balanced, gluten-free and delicious recipes, this easy-to-follow, protein-rich vegan weight-loss programme will get the results you want and keep you healthy and energised.

Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or seeking a new way of eating to boost energy, Go Lean Vegan will provide you with all the nutritional principles you need for a vibrant, healthy life.

Including nutritionally balanced recipes such as the Coconut Quinoa Bowl with Berries, Grab & Go Protein Raw Protein Bars, Courgette Carbonara and Orange Chocolate Pots, the Go Lean Vegan diet plan will get you in shape quickly, boost your vitality and overall wellbeing without cutting out the foods you love.

You'll be astounded at how amazing you look and feel in just 30 days!

Christine Bailey 作者作品表

The Personalized Nutrition Guide to Menopause (Illustrated ed) (Paperback)

eBook: Mustard Seed Faith To Unshakable Faith (DRM EPUB)

Mustard Seed Faith To Unshakable Faith (Paperback)

eBook: Customer Insight Strategies: How to Understand Your Audience and Create Remarkable Marketing (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Customer Insight Strategies: How to Understand Your Audience and Create Remarkable Marketing (DRM PDF)

Big Book of Quick, Easy Family Recipes (Paperback)

My Kids Can't Eat That! (Paperback)

eBook: My Kids Can't Eat That! (EBK) (DRM EPUB)

Brain Boost Diet Plan (Paperback)

eBook: Brain Boost Diet Plan (DRM EPUB)

Energy Bites (Hardcover)

Go Lean Vegan (Paperback)

Gut Health Diet Plan (Paperback)

eBook: Go Lean Vegan: The Revolutionary 30-day Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Feel Great (DRM EPUB)

Go Lean Vegan (Paperback)

Gut Health Diet Plan (Paperback)

eBook: Gut Health Diet Plan (DRM EPUB)

Supercharged Green Juice & Smoothie Diet (Paperback)

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