Korean Script Hacking (Paperback)
作者: Judith Meyer 
分類: Reading skills  
書城編號: 1487949

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版社: Teach Yourself Books
出版日期: 2019/06/04
尺寸: 198x129x10mm
重量: 0.07 kg
ISBN: 9781473679771

Using a unique, tried and tested algorithm, this book teaches you how to quickly and efficiently recognize letters and common words in Korean script. Whether you're traveling and want to understand the words around you, or preparing to learn Korean and want to master the basics, this is the book for you.
In this book you will find:
  • An introduction to Korean script
  • Plenty of practice activities to help you recognize and write each letter of the alphabet
  • #ScriptHacks including helpful mnemonics to make you remember the shape of each letter
  • Accompanying audio files so you know how to pronounce letters and words
  • Handy tips to help you decipher common and familiar words

The audio for this course can be downloaded from the Teach Yourself Library app or streamed at library.teachyourself.com.

Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 75 years.

Judith Meyer 作者作品表

Ukrainian Script Hacking: The optimal pathway to learn the Ukrainian alphabet (Mixed media product)

Hindi Script Hacking (Paperback)

Persian Script Hacking (Paperback)

Hebrew Script Hacking (Paperback)

eBook: Russian Script Hacking: The optimal pathway to learn the Russian alphabet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Russian Script Hacking: The optimal pathway to learn the Russian alphabet (DRM EPUB)

Russian Script Hacking (Paperback)

eBook: Greek Script Hacking: The optimal pathway to learn the Greek alphabet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Greek Script Hacking: The optimal pathway to learn the Greek alphabet (DRM EPUB)

Korean Script Hacking (Paperback)

Greek Script Hacking (Paperback)

Arabic Script Hacking (Paperback)

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