Near-Death Experience (Paperback)
作者: Calvert Roszell 
分類: Parapsychological studies ,
Psychic powers & psychic phenomena  
書城編號: 1496822

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版日期: 2018/05/07
尺寸: 206x130x8mm
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781584209324


This book is about the riddle of life asked from the perspective of near-death experiences. It begins with knowledge that recent developments in science afford us, leading to the question of the role direct experience can play in answering our questions about the nature of the human soul and spirit in relation to the cosmos.

Much has been written about the phenomenon of near-death experiences, but little attention has been paid to scientific research, such as that of Dr. Michael Sabom, which indicates that these are body-free, or spiritual, experiences. Even less attention has been directed toward the parallels between descriptions such as those given by George Ritchie--whose near-death journey led Raymond Moody to begin his epoch-making study that brought the phenomenon to the public eye--and the spiritual research of Rudolf Steiner.

This book presents a synthesis of scientific research, personal experience, and Spiritual Science. In the author's words: "This book asks the reader to decide whether Ritchie's story does not both testify to the living presence of the Christ in our age, as well as to an intimate and exact acquaintance with beings and events of the spiritual world that Rudolf Steiner's Spiritual Science first makes clearly intelligible. Steiner spoke of the twentieth century as an age at the threshold of the Risen Christ; it is the author's conviction that Ritchie's story affords us a opportunity to recognize and enter the meaning of this event."

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