Knowing Your Value (Revised) (Hardcover)
作者: Mika Brzezinski 
分類: Self-help & personal development  
書城編號: 1497295

原價: HK$290.00
現售: HK$275.5 節省: HK$14.5

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出版日期: 2018/09/25
尺寸: 232x164x23mm
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9781602865945

The bestselling motivational guide that calls "a rallying cry for women to get the money they deserve."

Why are women so often overlooked and underpaid? What are the real reasons men get raises more often than women? How can women ask for -- and actually get--the money, the job, the recognition they deserve?

Prompted by her own experience as cohost of Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski asked a wide range of successful women to share the critical lessons they learned while moving up in their fields. Power players such as Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Harvard's Victoria Budson, comedian Susie Essman, and many more shared their surprising personal stories. They spoke candidly about why women are paid less and the pitfalls women face -- and play into.

Now expanded to address gender dynamics in the #MeToo era, Know Your Value blends compelling personal stories with the latest research on why many women don't negotiate their compensation, why negotiating aggressively usually backfires, and what can be done about it.

For any woman who has ever wondered if her desire to be liked can be a liability (yes), if there is a way to reclaim her contribution after it's been co-opted in a meeting (yes), and if there are strategies men use to get ahead that women should too (yes!), Know Your Value provides vital advice to help women be their own best advocates.

Mika Brzezinski 作者作品表

Comeback Careers: Rethink, Refresh, Reinvent Your Success--At 40, 50, and Beyond (hardcover)

EARN IT! (Hardcover)

Knowing Your Value (Revised) (Hardcover)

Food Fight (Hardcover)

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