Book of Dragons: Secrets of the Dragon Domain (Paperback)
作者: Stella Caldwell 
書城編號: 1503857

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: Carlton Kids
出版日期: 2019/05/07
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9781783124008


This gorgeous book, with glorious CGI art, brings mighty and ancient dragons to life.

So few have seen a dragon--and yet we all know of this elusive and mythic creature. But this magnificent folio is the next-best thing to meeting a real one. Rich in legend and lore, it transports readers to the heart of the dragon world, offering dramatic details of dragon anatomy, rare dragon memorabilia, precious dragon secrets, and stunning images of different species. So enter the dragon lair . . . if you dare.

Reissue of Secrets of the Dragonworld in smaller format.

Stella Caldwell 作者作品表

The Amazing Book of Mythology: A Unique Celebration of Culture, Created by Artists from Around the World (Hardcover)

Gods and Monsters: The Myths and Legends of Ancient Worlds (Paperback)

eBook: Gods and Monsters: The Myths and Legends of Ancient Worlds (DRM EPUB)

Greek Heroes & Mythical Beasts: Discover the Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece (Paperback)

The Magnificent Book of Treasures: Vikings (Hardcover)

The Magnificent Book of Treasures: Vikings (Hardcover)

The Magnificent Book of Treasures: Ancient Rome (Hardcover)

The Magnificent Book of Dragons (Hardcover)

Escape the Medieval Castle (Paperback)

Have Pride: An inspirational history of the LGBTQ+ movement (Paperback)

Legends of the Stars (Paperback)

Christmas is Coming: A letter from Santa to the Children of the World (Hardcover)

Roald Dahl's Beastly Brutes & Heroic Human Beans: A brilliant press-out paper adventure (Hardcover)

World of Vikings (Paperback)

Book of Dragons: Secrets of the Dragon Domain (Paperback)

Gods and Monsters (Paperback)

Fantastical World of Beasts (Hardcover)

Gloriumptious Worlds of Roald Dahl (Hardcover)

Explore 360: The Tomb of Tutankhamun (Hardcover)

Fairy World (Hardcover)

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