The Makers of Modern Syria: The Rise and Fall of Syrian Democracy 1918-1958 (Hardcover)
作者: Sami Moubayed 
書城編號: 1504604

售價: $1300.00

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出版日期: 2018/07/30
尺寸: 222x175x29mm
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9781784538637

In the aftermath of World War I Syria paved a path towards democracy. Initially as part of the French mandate in the Middle East and latterly as an independent republic, Syria put in place the instruments of democratic government that it was hoped would lead to a stable future. This book tells the story of Syria's formative years, using previously-unseen material from the personal papers of Ahmad Sharabati, a prominent nationalist who served in different capacities during colonial times and early independence, first as minister of defense and then as minister of education. His experiences and those of others of his generation tell the story of Syria's short-lived democratic years, up to the union with Egypt as the United Arab Republic between 1958 and 1961.
Sami Moubayed 作者作品表

The Damascus Seat of Power: Syria’s Heads of State, 1918-1946 (Paperback)

Makers of Modern Syria (Paperback)

The Makers of Modern Syria: The Rise and Fall of Syrian Democracy 1918-1958 (Hardcover)

Syria and the USA (Hardcover)

Steel and Silk (Paperback)

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