Knitted Safari (Paperback)
作者: Sarah Keen 
分類: Knitting & crochet  
書城編號: 1505017

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版日期: 2018/11/13
尺寸: 230x206x13mm
重量: 0.63 kg
ISBN: 9781784944018


Experience the thrill of seeing the "Big Five" by embarking on a safari of the knitted kind from the comfort of your armchair. Sarah Keen's latest book, Knitted Safari, is packed full of fabulous safari animals to knit, as well as a jeep to take you on your imaginary adventure of a lifetime. Inside you will find everything you need to know to knit creatures that will entertain children for hours!

  • 25 safari animals and a jeep to knit
  • includes a techniques section
  • suitable for novice knitters
  • includes projects to make elephants, lions, a rhino, leopard, buffalo, flamingos, chimps, a zebra, hippos and anteater.
Sarah Keen 作者作品表

Knitted Farm Friends (Paperback)

Celiac Disease Cookbook: Dеlісіоuѕ аnd Nutrіtіоuѕ, Glutеn-Frе (Paper

Knitted Cars and Trucks (Paperback)

Knitted Farmyard (Paperback)

Knitted Safari (Paperback)

50 Knitted Dolls (Paperback)

Topsy-Turvy Knitted Dolls (Paperback)

100 Little Knitted Projects (Paperback)

Knitted Fairy Tales (Paperback)

Knitted Nursery Rhymes (Paperback)

eBook: Knitted Farm Animals (DRM EPUB)

Knitted Noah's Ark (Paperback)

Knitted Farm Animals (Paperback)

Knitted Wild Animals (Paperback)

Knitted Wild Animals (Paperback)

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