Crocheted Succulents (Paperback)
作者: Emma Varnam 
分類: Knitting & crochet  
書城編號: 1505032

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版日期: 2019/03/19
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9781784945046


If you love houseplants but have an unerring ability to kill everything off, fear not, because these cute creations don't require green fingers There are 25 splendid succulents to make in a variety of shapes and sizes for a touch of indoor greenery that will never need watering, repotting or special plant food.

  • Each project is beautifully photographed and includes clear patterns and guidance.
  • Includes a techniques section that gives clear instructions on all the skills you'll need to make the projects.
  • Easy to follow crochet patterns to create succulents for stylish home interiors.
Emma Varnam 作者作品表

Vintage Granny Squares: 20 Crochet Projects with a Retro Vibe (Paperback)

Crocheted Flowers: 30 stylish and realistic blooms to create (Paperback)

10,000 Crocheted Hats (Spiral bound)

Cute Crocheted Food: 24 Tasty Crochet Designs (Paperback)

Crocheted Houseplants: Beautiful Flora to Make for Your Home (Paperback)

Cute Crocheted Wild Animals (Paperback)

Crocheted Succulents (Paperback)

Granny Squares Weekend (Paperback)

Granny Squares Home (Paperback)

How to Crochet (Paperback)

Cute Crocheted Animals (Paperback)

How to Crochet (Paperback)

Tea Cozies 4 (Paperback)

Crocheted Keyrings and Charms (Paperback)

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