You & Your Jaguar XK/XKR (Hardcover)
作者: Nigel Thorley 
書城編號: 1508783

原價: HK$500.00
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出版日期: 2019/02/26
尺寸: 273x211x23mm
重量: 1.27 kg
ISBN: 9781787113923

New updated and enlarged edition Jaguar's XK sports models were produced from 1996 to 2014 in two distinct forms: the original, steel-bodied cars and the later advanced technology aluminium-bodied versions. Highly significant for Jaguar, these cars reintroduced the world to Jaguar sports car motoring and, in doing so, echoed the success of previous icons, such as the E-type. With no plans from Jaguar for a direct replacement, the XK and XKR are guaranteed to become much sought after models, which are already attracting keen interest from driving enthusiasts. You & Your Jaguar XK/XKR is the only current title covering the whole model range in precise detail, and is a vital read - both to those who currently own an XK, and anyone contemplating purchasing one. This is a book that will interest all Jaguar enthusiasts and those interested in the history of Jaguar and its cars - the perfect XK 'handbook.'
Nigel Thorley 作者作品表

eBook: Jaguar - All the Cars (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jaguar New XK 2005-2014 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jaguar X-Type - 2001 to 2009 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: You & Your Jaguar XK/XKR (DRM EPUB)

Jaguar Mark 1 & 2 (All models including Daimler 2.5-litre V8 (Paperback)

Jaguar S-Type - 1999 to 2007 (Paperback)

eBook: Complete Book of Jaguar: Every Model Since 1935 (DRM EPUB)

Complete Book of Jaguar (Hardcover)

You & Your Jaguar XK/XKR (Hardcover)

eBook: Jaguar XK8 & XKR (1996-2005) (DRM EPUB)

Jaguar XK (Hardcover)

Factory-Original Jaguar Mk I & Mk II (Hardcover)

Jaguar E-Type (Hardcover)

Jaguar Mark 1 & 2 (Hardcover)

Jaguar XJ6, XJ8 & XJR (Paperback)

eBook: Jaguar XJ6, XJ8 & XJR (DRM EPUB)

Jaguar - All the Cars (Hardcover)

You & Your Jaguar XK/XKR (Hardcover)

Jaguar XK8 & XKR 2006-2014 (Paperback)

Jaguar XK 120, 140 & 150 (Paperback)

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