Remembering British Television (Hardcover)
作者: Kristyn Gorton 
書城編號: 1512413

售價: $1100.00

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出版日期: 2019/04/18
尺寸: 234x156x24mm
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9781844576616

This original book asks how, in an age of convergence, when 'television' no longer means a box in the corner of the living room that we sit and watch together, do we remember television of the past? How do we gather and archive our memories? Kristyn Gordon and Joanne Garde-Hansen explore these questions through first person interviews with tv producers, curators and archivists, and case studies of popular television series and fan communities such as 'Cold Feet' and 'Doctor Who'. Their discussion takes in museum exhibitions, popular televison nostalgia programming and 'vintage' tv websites.
Kristyn Gorton 作者作品表

Remembering British Television (Paperback)

Remembering British Television (Hardcover)

eBook: Media Audiences: Television, Meaning and Emotion (DRM PDF)

Media Audiences (Paperback)

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