Eureka Moment: Marie Curie and Radioactivity (Paperback)
作者: Ian Graham 
分類: True stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1515911

原價: HK$90.00
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出版日期: 2020/02/04
尺寸: 198x129x10mm
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9781912537426

Eureka Through a first-person narrative, this biography tells the story of Marie Curie and how she discovered radioactivity.

What would it feel like to be right there when a scientist experiences her "eureka " moment? Find out Marie Curie had to secretly educate herself in a time and place where women were forbidden to study. Yet she managed to become the first woman professor in France's most famous university, the Sorbonne, and the head of research in the science department. This inspiring biography captures Curie's amazing life: her discovery of how radioactivity worked, how she used its properties to learn about the natural world, and how she saved the lives of soldiers in the trenches during WWI. Short comic strips dramatize important episodes in her life, while sidebars provide historical context and simple, clear explanations of the scientific concepts.

Ian Graham 作者作品表

eBook: How to Win the Premier League: The Sunday Times Bestselling Inside Story of Football's Data Revolution (DRM EPUB)

How to Win the Premier League: The Inside Story of Football’s Data Revolution (Hardcover)

eBook: DIE REGELN DER RACHE (Black Shuck 2): Thriller (DRM EPUB)

The Eureka! Moment: Evolution (Paperback)

The Eureka! Moment: Radioactivity (Paperback)

eBook: Designing RF Combining Systems for Shared Radio Sites (DRM PDF)

Project Space (Paperback)

Stellar (MP3 CD)

Charles Darwin Y La Evolución (Paperback)

Marie Curie Y La Radiactividad (Paperback)

Eureka Moment: Marie Curie and Radioactivity (Paperback)

Eureka Moment: Charles Darwin and Evolution (Paperback)

Blood Echo (Paperback)

Extremely Curious Questions and Answers (Hardcover)

Science of Flight (Paperback)

Science of Bridges & Tunnels (Paperback)

You Wouldn't Want To Be On Apollo XIII! (Paperback)

You Wouldn't Want To Be A World War Two Pilot! (Paperback)

You Wouldn't Want To Live Without Robots! (Paperback)

You Wouldn't Want To Live Without Satellites! (Paperback)

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