Moving (Across) Borders (Paperback)
作者: Gabriele Brandstetter 
分類: Theatre studies  
書城編號: 1520256

原價: HK$546.00
現售: HK$518.7 節省: HK$27.3

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出版日期: 2017/02/15
尺寸: 225x150x20mm
重量: 410 grams
ISBN: 9783837631654

As performative and political acts, translation, intervention, and participation are movements that take place across, along, and between borders. Such movements traverse geographic boundaries, affect social distinctions, and challenge conceptual categorizations--while shifting and transforming lines of separation themselves. This book brings together choreographers, movement practitioners, and theorists from various fields and disciplines to reflect upon these dynamics of difference. From their individual cultural backgrounds, they explore how these movements affect related fields such as corporeality, perception, (self-)representation, and expression.
Gabriele Brandstetter 作者作品表

Moving (Across) Borders (Paperback)

Poetics of Dance (Paperback)

eBook: Poetics of Dance: Body, Image, and Space in the Historical Avant-Gardes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Poetics of Dance: Body, Image, and Space in the Historical Avant-Gardes (DRM PDF)

Prekare Exzellenz: Kunste, Okonomien Und Politiken Des Virtuosen (Paperback)

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