The Right to housing in law and society (Hardcover)
作者: Nico Moons 
分類: Human rights ,
Jurisprudence & general issues ,
International human rights law ,
Private international law & conflict of laws ,
Social law  
書城編號: 1523547

售價: $1890.00

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出版社: Routledge Academic
出版日期: 2018/05
頁數: 258
ISBN: 9781138093270
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From the very first negotiations of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights half a century ago to the present day, socio-economic rights have often been regarded as less enforceable than civil and political rights. The right to adequate housing, even though protecting one of the most basic needs of human beings, has not escaped this classification. Despite its strong foundations in international, regional and domestic legislation, many people are still deprived of one or more of the different key elements that comprise adequate housing.

How, then, can international human rights theory and case law be developed into effective vehicles at the domestic level? Rather than focusing merely on possibilities for individualized relief through the court system, The Right to Housing in Law and Society looks into more effective socio-economic rights realization by addressing both conceptual and practical stumbling blocks that hinder a more structural progress at the national level. The Flemish and Belgian housing legislation and policy are used to highlight the problems and illustrate the pathways here presented.

While first and foremost legal in its approach, the book also offers a more sociological perspective on the functioning of the right to housing in practice. It shows the latest state of knowledge on the topic and will be of interest to researchers, academics, policymakers and students in the fields of international socio-economic rights law and human rights law more generally.

Nico Moons 作者作品表

eBook: Right to housing in law and society (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Right to housing in law and society (DRM PDF)

The Right to housing in law and society (Hardcover)

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