Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom: A Story (Paperback)
作者: Sylvia Plath 
書城編號: 1527134

原價: HK$120.00
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出版社: Harper Perennial
出版日期: 2019/01/22
頁數: 64
重量: 0.07 kg
ISBN: 9780062940834
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Never before published, this newly discovered story by literary legend Sylvia Plath stands on its own and is remarkable for its symbolic, allegorical approach to a young woman's rebellion against convention and forceful taking control of her own life.

Written while Sylvia Plath was a student at Smith College in 1952, Mary Ventura and The Ninth Kingdom tells the story of a young woman's fateful train journey.

Lips the color of blood, the sun an unprecedented orange, train wheels that sound like "guilt, and guilt, and guilt" these are just some of the things Mary Ventura begins to notice on her journey to the ninth kingdom.

"But what is the ninth kingdom?" she asks a kind-seeming lady in her carriage. "It is the kingdom of the frozen will," comes the reply. "There is no going back."

Sylvia Plath's strange, dark tale of female agency and independence, written not long after she herself left home, grapples with mortality in motion.

Contributor Bio: Plath, Sylvia

Sylvia Plath was born in 1932 in Massachusetts. Her books include the poetry collections The Colossus, Crossing the Water, Winter Trees, Ariel, and Collected Poems, which won the Pulitzer Prize. A complete and uncut facsimile edition of Ariel was published in 2004 with her original selection and arrangement of poems. She was married to the poet Ted Hughes, with whom she had a daughter, Frieda, and a son, Nicholas. She died in London in 1963.
Sylvia Plath 作者作品表

The Bell Jar (Paperback)

The Collected Prose of Sylvia Plath (Main) (Hardcover)

La Caja de Los Deseos. Ensayos Y Relatos (Paperback)

La campana de cristal (The Bell Jar): Una nueva traducción al español (Paperback)

The Bell Jar (Paperback)

La Campana de Cristal. Edición Ilustrada / The Bell Jar (Illustrated Edition) (Hardcover)

Cartas a Mi Madre / Letters Home (Paperback)

The Bell Jar (Paperback)

Unleashing the Power of Rehabilitation: Overcoming Cancer's Challenges (Paperback)

The Bell Jar (Hardcover)

The Bell Jar (Paperback)

eBook: Delphi Complete Works of Sylvia Plath Illustrated (DRM EPUB)

The Bell Jar (Paperback)

The Bell Jar: The Illustrated Edition (Main) (Hardcover)

eBook: Bell Jar: The Illustrated Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bell Jar (DRM EPUB)

100 Selected Poems, Sylvia Plath (Paperback)

Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: and other prose writings (Main) (Paperback)

Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume I (Hardcover)

Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume II (Hardcover)

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