The Sports Development of Hong Kong and Macau: New Challenges after the Handovers (Hardcover)
作者: Brian Bridges 
分類: National liberation & independence, post-colonialism ,
Sporting events & management ,
Sports training & coaching ,
21st century ,
Hong Kong ,
書城編號: 1534894

售價: $1700.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Routledge Academic
出版日期: 2018/03
頁數: 168
ISBN: 9780815396291
>> 相關電子書


China's sports history and its contemporary role in the global sporting community have become well-known, but the sporting history and development of China's two Special Administrative Regions - Hong Kong and Macau - have not received the coverage they deserve either in their historical contexts or since the handovers of control to the People's Republic. By drawing on a multi-national group of scholars and practitioners, this volume makes a unique contribution to the understanding of sports development in greater China. The essays in this anthology examine the evolution of key sports, the hosting of sporting mega-events, the nexus of sports and politics, identity issues, and the role of sporting diplomacy. The chapters provide not only an analysis of colonial legacies but also in-depth accounts of the challenges to and outcomes of sports development in Hong Kong after 1997 and Macau after 1999.

The chapters in this book were originally published in various special issues of The International Journal of the History of Sport.

Brian Bridges 作者作品表

eBook: Korea and the West (DRM PDF)

eBook: Korea and the West (DRM EPUB)

The Sports Development of Hong Kong and Macau: New Challenges after the Handovers (Hardcover)

A Counsel Darkened (Paperback)

eBook: Korea after the Crash: The Politics of Economic Recovery (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Korea after the Crash: The Politics of Economic Recovery (DRM PDF)

eBook: Korea after the Crash: The Politics of Economic Recovery (DRM PDF)

Europe and the Challenge of the Asia Pacific - Change, Continuity and Crisis (Hardcover)

Japan and Korea in the 1990s: From Antagonism to Adjustment (Hardcover)

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