Seatrade Cruise Review (1年3期)
系列: 雜誌
書城編號: 1550420

售價: $1800.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Seatrade Cruise Academy
運費計算: 3 本

In a crowded marketplace, busied of cruise news, data and statistical information, Seatrade Cruise Review is identified as a sophisticated, highly respected and analytical publication that delivers fresh insight and supreme market analysis. Recognised for its long-standing position within the market and its editorial excellence, Seatrade Cruise Review has continued to grow its reach year-on-year since 1970. Relied on by senior-level professionals from across the world, the magazine partners 47 years of experience with a continual drive for innovation to meet the demands of the ever-growing cruise sector.

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知識大圖解(繁體中文版) (訂購一年12期 )

The Economist (One year subscription, 153 issues, 訂購三年153期 )

Bloomberg Businessweek (English version)(1年50期)

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Seatrade Cruise Review (1年3期)

哈佛商業評論 (繁體中文) Harvard Business Review (1年12期)

The Economist (Print + Digital only) (For Individual & Students) (One year subscription, 51 issues, 訂購一年51期 )

TIME magazine one year subscription (Print + Digital) (For Individual & Students)

Reader's Digest (English) (print) (1年6期)

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