Christmas Carol: A Graphic Revision Guide for GCSE English L (Paperback)
作者: Elizabeth May 
分類: Teachers' classroom resources & material ,
Educational: English language & literacy ,
For National Curriculum Key Stage 4 & GCSE  
書城編號: 1561281

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版社: Brilliant Publications
出版日期: 2019/09/30
尺寸: 297x210x2mm
重量: 170 grams
ISBN: 9780857478016
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Graphic Revision Guide for A Christmas Carol specially written to support special educational needs (SEN) and lower ability students.

This Graphic Revision Guide for Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol makes studying or revising this classic book easy. Suitable for all GCSE English Literature examinations. Brilliant Publications' Graphic Revision Guide for A Christmas Carol has been specially written by Elizabeth May to support students with lower ability or special educational needs (SEN). It contains teaching resources especially tailored to strengthen the student's understanding of plot, characters, quotes, themes and more.

The book brings an element of fun and informality to the study of this classic GCSE text, repackaging large amounts of complex information in an engaging and simple manner. Studying the sheets doesn't seem like reading or working, yet having these graphic sheets in front of them helps students immensely in understanding and sequencing the plot, remembering key events, distinguishing between characters and understanding characters' perspectives.

Although initially designed to help and support SEN students, the author soon found that all the students in the class wanted copies of the graphic sheets and benefited from using them. Many students find it difficult to remember what happened in a book and in what order, let alone to write a timed essay picking apart the intricacies of it. With this book, students will gain confidence in their knowledge before jumping into the deep end.

Our Graphic Revision Guide for A Christmas Carol contains:

  • Visual summaries of the plot
  • Character profiles, including a fact file and quotes from the book
  • Context pages, giving background information on Charles Dickens and the different genres the book fits into
  • Exploration of key themes and the context for the book
  • Additional graphic reference material, to help students understand the setting of the book
  • Activity sheets, including matching quotes to pictures, vocabulary building and drawing character maps.

The resources are printed in black and white for easy photocopying and enlarging.

Which ghost visits Scrooge first? How does Scrooge change his ways? Do you think Scrooge would be a good boss?

After completing these sheets your students will have these answers at their fingertips.

Elizabeth May 作者作品表

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