Abram Games: His Wartime Work (Paperback)
作者: Naomi Games 
分類: Individual designers ,
Poster art ,
Social & cultural history ,
Second World War ,
c 1939 to c 1945 (including WW2)  
書城編號: 1566083

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版社: Amberley Publishing Local
出版日期: 2019/03/15
尺寸: 237x175x15mm
重量: 564 grams
ISBN: 9781445692456

In 1946, Abram Games left the War Office armed with this testimonial: 'His work had to be subtly persuasive, or directly "propagandist" - but it was always effective, compelling, and of outstanding quality.' During the Second World War, Captain Games, holder of the unique title of 'Official War Poster Artist', designed a hundred posters for army use. The Ministry of Information adapted several designs for civilians. There is a tale to tell about many of these images, especially about his infamous but most successful ATS Blonde Bombshell recruiting poster. Being the son of a photographer, Games employed many ingenious photographic tricks to convey his message of 'Maximum Meaning, Minimum Means' in his designs. Most books on Graphic Design have included images by Abram Games. This is the only book published that concentrates solely on Games's war work. The Estate of Abram Games holds his large archive, which includes a memo from Churchill, personal correspondence, press cuttings, sketches, paintings, and maps for the Army Bureau of Current Affairs, and photographs from Games's seven years in army service.
Naomi Games 作者作品表

20th Century Graphic Designer: Abram Games (Paperback)

Abram Games: His Wartime Work (Paperback)

eBook: Abram Games: His Wartime Work (DRM EPUB)

Abram Games (Hardcover)

Abram Games, Graphic Designer (Hardcover)

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