Jack Kirby's Dingbat Love (Hardcover)
作者: Mark Evanier 
分類: Individual artists, art monographs ,
Individual photographers ,
Individual architects & architectural firms ,
Biography: general ,
Graphic novels  
書城編號: 1571496

原價: HK$546.00
現售: HK$518.7 節省: HK$27.3

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出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2020/01/21
尺寸: 279x216x6mm
重量: 0.92 kg
ISBN: 9781605490915

In cooperation with DC Comics, TwoMorrows compiles a tempestuous trio of never-seen 1970s Kirby projects! These are the final complete, unpublished Jack Kirby stories in existence, presented here for the first time! Included are: Two unused Dingbats of Danger Street tales (Kirby's final Kid Gang group, inked by Mike Royer and D. Bruce Berry, and newly colored for this book)! True-Life Divorce, the abandoned newsstand magazine that was too hot for its time (reproduced from Jack's pencil art--and as a bonus, we've commissioned Mike Royer to ink one of the stories)! And Soul Love, the unseen '70s romance book so funky, even a jive turkey will dig the unretouched inks by Vince Colletta and Tony DeZuniga. PLUS: There's Kirby historian John Morrow's in-depth examination of why these projects got left back, concept art and uninked pencils from Dingbats, and a Foreword by '70s Kirby assistant Mark Evanier!
Mark Evanier 作者作品表

Garfield: Full Course 3 (Paperback)

Garfield: Full Course (Paperback)

Jack Kirby's Dingbat Love (Hardcover)

Grumpy Cat & Garfield (Hardcover)

Kirby (Paperback)

Garfield (Paperback)

Art of the Simon and Kirby Studio (Hardcover)

Rocky & Bullwinkle (Paperback)

Star Wars (Paperback)

Spirit (Paperback)

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