Kim Reaper Vol. 2 (Paperback)
作者: Sarah Graley 
書城編號: 1571836

原價: HK$150.00
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出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2019/06/11
尺寸: 256x165x8mm
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781620106372

"An excellent addition to libraries seeking graphic novels, especially those looking for hi-lo titles for teens interested in paranormal romance." -- School Library Journal

Hit cartoonist Sarah Graley (Our Super Adventure) tells a new story about the trials of supernatural dating in Kim Reaper: Vampire Island

College relationships are tough for everyone, but they're extra hard for Kim. Her grumpy grim reaper bosses are always making her work overtime, her girlfriend Becka's roommate keeps hanging around, and for some reason, she's going on an awkward group date to Vampire Island But when she stumbles into a long-lost friend, Kim accidentally finds herself in the middle of a vampire grudge, plus a new strain on her relationship. Surely she can figure out how to study, be a good girlfriend, maintain her social life, and still pay rent? She just might need a little help.

Don't miss the companion story in KIM REAPER VOL. 1

Sarah Graley 作者作品表

Minecraft comic: Minecraft comic (Hardcover)

Donut the Destroyer (paperback)

Donut the Destroyer (hardcover)

Kim Reaper Vol. 2 (Paperback)

Glitch (Paperback)

Our Super Adventure: Press Start to Begin (Hardcover)

Kim Reaper: Grim Beginnings (Paperback)

Rick and Morty (Paperback)

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