Just Like Beverly (Hardcover)
作者: Vicki Conrad 
分類: People & places (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1572277

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Sasquatch
出版日期: 2019/08/13
尺寸: 279x216x10mm
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9781632172228

"A celebration of Cleary, literacy, and the pursuit of ambitious dreams"
--School Library Journal

The only picture book biography of beloved children's author Beverly Cleary, creator of Ramona, Beezus, Henry, Ribsy, Ralph S. Mouse, and more! This charming book tells Beverly's own story of learning how to read and never giving up on her dreams to write stories for kids just like her.

A Junior Library Guild Selection, Just Like Beverly follows the life of Beverly Cleary from her early years in Oregon to her career as a beloved children's book author. As a young girl, Beverly Cleary struggled to learn to read and found most children's books dull and uninteresting. She often wondered if there were any books about kids just like her. With hard work, and the encouragement of her parents and a special teacher, she learned to read and at a young age discovered she had a knack for writing.

Beverly Cleary's story comes to life in this beautiful picture book as she grows to follow her dreams of writing the books she longed for as a child, becoming an award-winning writer and one of the most famous children's authors of all time. Beautiful illustrations capture Cleary's sense of humor, struggles, and triumphs, and are filled with Easter eggs throughout for readers young and old to discover.

Vicki Conrad 作者作品表

Introducing Sandwina: The Strongest Woman in the World! (Hardcover)

Just Like Beverly (Hardcover)

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