I'm Standing On A Million Lives 3 (Paperback)
作者: Naoki Yamakawa 
分類: Graphic novels: Manga  
書城編號: 1572337

原價: HK$110.00
現售: HK$104.5 節省: HK$5.5

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出版社: Kodansha Comics
出版日期: 2019/09/17
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781632368409

The provocative action manga that's about to become a major anime A teenage loner gets transported into a fantasy world with his two scary female classmates. The girls find themselves as a wizard and a warrior, but he's woken up as... a farmer? How will be become a hero now? A new fantasy perfect for fans of Sword Art Online and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime


The ever-calculating Yotsuya carries out an unheroic act of vengeance, and the players successfully manage to complete their quest. Their victory allows them to ask the Game Master a single question, and the truth about the world they've been sent to is revealed. But when he learns that this strange new world isn't as virtual as he believed, Yotsuya is forced to confront the consequences of his actions...

Naoki Yamakawa 作者作品表

I'm Standing on a Million Lives 17 (Paperback)

I'm Standing on a Million Lives 16 (Paperback)

I'm Standing On A Million Lives 7 (Paperback)

I'm Standing On A Million Lives 6 (Paperback)

I'm Standing On A Million Lives 5 (Paperback)

I'm Standing On A Million Lives 4 (Paperback)

I'm Standing On A Million Lives 3 (Paperback)

I'm Standing On A Million Lives 2 (Paperback)

I'm Standing On A Million Lives 1 (Paperback)

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