Rembrandt's Light (hardcover)
作者: Jennifer Scott 
書城編號: 1573582

原價: HK$480.00
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出版日期: 2019/12/03
尺寸: 250x212x25mm
重量: 0.93 kg
ISBN: 9781781300923


Rembrandt's Light brings together paintings, etchings and drawings that focus on Rembrandt's mastery of visual storytelling through light, concentrating on the period from 1639-58, when he lived in his 'dream house' on the Breestraat in the heart of Amsterdam (today the Rembrandt House Museum). The rooms on the first floor of the house, with their large windows and exceptional quality of light, offered new possibilities for the creation of art.

Arranged thematically the book traces Rembrandt's innovation: from evoking a meditative mood, to lighting people, to creating impact and drama. Highlights include 'The Denial of St Peter', 'Pilgrims at Emmaus' and three of the artist's most famous images of women: 'A Woman Bathing in a Stream', 'A Woman in Bed' and 'Girl at a Window'.

Published to coincide with an exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery, and the celebrations taking place throughout Europe to mark 350 years since the artist's death (1669), Rembrandt's Light aims to refresh the way we look at works by this incomparable Dutch Master.

Jennifer Scott 作者作品表

The A and E Stock Club Raising Stock Animals for Farm Show (Paperback)

Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems (2023) (Paperback)

Rembrandt's Light (hardcover)

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eBook: King's Game (DRM PDF)

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