What They Didn't Teach You in Film School (Hardcover)
作者: Miguel Parga 
書城編號: 1573660

原價: HK$224.00
現售: HK$212.8 節省: HK$11.2

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出版社: Ilex
出版日期: 2019/10/01
尺寸: 186x123x18mm
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781781577172
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 What you actually need to know to succeed in the film industry.
Packed with practical, hard-working tips and advice, this book is a no-nonsense guide on how to get the best out of your film-school education, how to navigate some of the most frustrating moments in an artist's life, and how to keep the inspiration going as you battle your way through the indie filmmaking world. With a fresh design and a grounded, practical approach, this is the crucial companion that will make you, and your work, stand out.
Miguel Parga 作者作品表

Make Your Own Movies: A Beginner's Guide to Filmmaking with Whatever Equipment You Have (Paperback)

What They Didn't Teach You in Film School (Hardcover)

eBook: What They Didn't Teach You in Film School (DRM EPUB)

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