Year Around the Great Oak (Hardcover)
作者: Gerda Muller 
分類: Picture storybooks  
書城編號: 1573874

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版日期: 2019/10/22
尺寸: 288x220x9mm
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9781782506027


Anna and Benjamin live in the city but love to stay with their cousin Robin in the countryside. Robin takes the children to see his favorite tree in the nearby forest: a 300-year-old giant oak.

Each time the children visit, they are amazed at how the forest and the mighty oak changes with the seasons. In autumn, they build a cosy den in the tree's roots to watch the squirrels. In winter, they learn to ski in the shelter of the forest. In spring, they search the forest for animals. But some creatures can be dangerous, and one night, the old oak tree helps Benjamin when he discovers something he wasn't expecting. . .

Join Anna and Benjamin as they spend the seasons with the great oak tree, and discover the fascinating plants and animals that live around it.

This new, expanded edition of A Year Around the Great Oak is a compelling combination of engaging story and educational information to delight and teach readers. Discover new detailed, accurate illustrations and fascinating fact pages alongside the wonderful seasonal story from Gerda Muller, honored by USBBY for A Year in Our New Garden, creator of the beloved Seasons board books and highly praised for How Does My Garden Grow?

Gerda Muller 作者作品表

Winter (2 Revised edition) (Board book)

¿Dónde Van Cuando Llueve? (Hardcover)

Sorcerer's Apprentice (Hardcover)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Hardcover)

Year Around the Great Oak (Hardcover)

How Does My Fruit Grow? (Hardcover)

Gerda Muller Seasons Gift Collection (Hardcover)

Year in Our New Garden (Hardcover)

Town Musicians of Bremen (Hardcover)

How Does My Garden Grow (Hardcover)

Year Around the Great Oak (Hardcover)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Gerda Muller (hardcover)

Where Do They Go When it Rains? (Hardcover)

Winter (Hardcover)

Spring (Hardcover)

Autumn (Hardcover)

Summer (Hardcover)

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