Quaker Quicks - Money and Soul (Paperback)
作者: Pamela Haines 
分類: Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)  
書城編號: 1577019

原價: HK$98.00
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出版社: John Hunt Publishing
出版日期: 2019/08/01
尺寸: 216x140x6mm
重量: 0.11 kg
ISBN: 9781789040890

If money troubles your soul, try this down-to-earth Quaker perspective on economies large and small. The economy, as we usually encounter it, has nothing to do with values or faith. After all, the "invisible hand" caters to no religious belief. It is all a matter of science, we are assured: economists have mastered the mathematical formulas for growth and prosperity. Our role as individuals is simply to work, consume and save, each adding our bit to the sum totals of economic activity that will keep the system humming along; the experts will take care of everything else. This breezy values-free story, however, is unlikely to be a comfortable fit for anyone who takes seriously the challenge of bringing our faith into the world. Knotty issues around economics crop up at every turn, especially if we are willing to ask the big questions: What is the economy for? How much is enough? What needs to be equal? How is well-being best measured? Who should decide? In Money and Soul this search for answers, through a Quaker lens, gives a taste of the power of applying faith values to our economic story.
Pamela Haines 作者作品表

eBook: Quaker Quicks - The Promise of Right Relationship (DRM EPUB)

Quaker Quicks - The Promise of Right Relationship (Paperback)

Tending the Web (Paperback)

eBook: Quaker Quicks - Tending Sacred Ground: Respectful Parenting (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Quaker Quicks - That Clear and Certain Sound: Finding Solid Ground in Perilous Times (DRM EPUB)

Quaker Quicks - Money and Soul (Paperback)

Men on White Horses (Paperback)

A Kind of War (Paperback)

The Kissing Gate (Paperback)

The Diamond Waterfall (Paperback)

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