Harryhausen: The Lost Movies (Hardcover)
作者: John Walsh 
分類: Poster art ,
Films, cinema  
書城編號: 1577116

原價: HK$400.00
現售: HK$380 節省: HK$20

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出版日期: 2019/09/10
尺寸: 301x228x21mm
重量: 1.27 kg
ISBN: 9781789091106

The official guide to the unrealised films of Ray Harryhausen.

Asgarnia's fate hangs in the balance. Disparate tribes unite under the banner of Lord Raddallin, and his enemies look on in fear and hatred. Raddallin's advisors - an uneasy alliance of Black and White knights - whisper of a discovery in the North that will give them the power to change everything.

Caught in the midst of history, a lowly scribe and the son of a Jarl hold the fate of Raddallin's new kingdom in their hands.

From the glorious inauguration of King Raddallin's reign to the expulsion of the Zamorakians from Asgarnia, The Gift of Guthix tells an epic tale of the origin of magic, the plight of civil war, and the crushing defeat of the Fremennik Great Invasion. Amongst plots and betrayals, a penitent turncoat waits for her moment to leap into the unknown.

John Walsh 作者作品表

Identity Security for Software Development: Building with Identity, Secrets, and Credentials (Paperback)

Herbst: Architecture in Context (Hardcover)

The Third Man: The Official Story of the Film (Hardcover)

Evaluative Language in Sports: Crowds, Coaches, and Commentators (Hardcover)

eBook: Conan the Barbarian: The Official Story of the Film (DRM EPUB)

The Wicker Man: The Official Story of the Film (Hardcover)

Edible Wild Plants Foraging: From Nature's Bounty to Your Plate: Recipes and Revelations (Paperback)


eBook: Dr. Who & The Daleks: The Official Story of the Films (DRM EPUB)

Our Lady of Lourdes: Lourdes, its Grotto, Apparitions and Cures (Paperback)

The Mass and Vestments of the Catholic Church, Liturgical, Doctrinal, Historical and Archaeological (Paperback)

Our Lady of Lourdes: Lourdes, its Grotto, Apparitions and Cures (Hardcover)

The Mass and Vestments of the Catholic Church, Liturgical, Doctrinal, Historical and Archaeological (Hardcover)

Dr. Who & The Daleks: The Official Story of the Films (Hardcover)

The Golden Page: Adventures in the Literary Jungle 1978-93 (Paperback)

eBook: Circus of Dreams: Adventures in the 1980s Literary World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Standout Experience: How Students and Young Professionals Can Rise, Shine, and Impact When It Ma (DRM EPUB)

The Globalist: Peter Sutherland - His Life and Legacy (Hardcover)

eBook: Globalist: Peter Sutherland - His Life and Legacy (DRM EPUB)

Harryhausen: The Lost Movies (Hardcover)

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