Creative Gatherings (Hardcover)
作者: Mary Ann Caws 
分類: History of art & design styles: from c 1900 -  
書城編號: 1577144

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版日期: 2019/08/15
尺寸: 223x170x29mm
重量: 1.06 kg
ISBN: 9781789140552

Art is seen as a solitary, even a reclusive, endeavor. But visual artists, writers, and musicians often find themselves energized by a collective environment. Sharing ideas around a table has always provided a starting, and a continuing, place for fruitful exchanges between artists of all kinds.

In her wide-ranging new book, Mary Ann Caws explores a rich variety of gathering places, past and present, which have been conducive to the release and sustenance of creative energies. Creative Gatherings surveys meeting locations across Europe and the United States, from cityscapes to island hideouts, from private homes to public cafes and artists' colonies. Examples include Florence Griswold's house in Old Lyme, Connecticut, meeting place of the Old Lyme Art Colony; Prague's Le Louvre caf , haunt of Kafka and Einstein; Picasso's modernist hangout in Barcelona, Els Quatre Gats; Charleston, gathering place of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa and Duncan Bell; and the caf s of Saint-Germain-des-Pr s and Montparnasse: the hangouts of Apollinaire, Sartre, and Patti Smith. Interweaving two hundred examples of collaborative artworks throughout the text, with more than one hundred in color, Creative Gatherings is a beautiful, erudite commingling as inspiring as the gathering places Caws depicts.

Mary Ann Caws 作者作品表

The French Prose Poem: An Anthology (Paperback)

Creative Gatherings (Hardcover)

eBook: Milk Bowl of Feathers: Essential Surrealist Writings (DRM EPUB)

Modern Art Cookbook (Paperback)

eBook: Women of Bloomsbury: Virginia, Vanessa and Carrington (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Women of Bloomsbury: Virginia, Vanessa and Carrington (DRM PDF)

Blaise Pascal (Hardcover)

eBook: Surrealism and the literary imagination: A study of Breton and Bachelard (DRM PDF)

Modern Art Cookbook (Hardcover)

Surrealism (Paperback)

Provencal Cooking (Hardcover)

Reception of Virginia Woolf in Europe (Paperback)

eBook: Surrealist Painters and Poets: An Anthology (DRM PDF)

Manifesto: A Century of Isms (Paperback)

Dora Maar - With and without Picasso (Hardcover)

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