Demystifying Diversity (Paperback)
作者: Gamiel Yafai 
書城編號: 1578983

原價: HK$230.00
現售: HK$218.5 節省: HK$11.5

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出版社: Gilgamesh Publishing
出版日期: 2019/03/15
尺寸: 244x172x8mm
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781908531896


An engaging and comprehensive tour of the world of diversity in the workplace. Authoritative, yet witty and well told, this important book is a vital navigational tool for anyone getting to grips with the importance of diversity across the spectrum of today s society. Demystifying Diversity is aimed at anyone with a line management responsibility at any level of management, business professionals and HR practitioners.

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