T Is For Tumbling (Hardcover)
作者: Julie Morstad 
分類: Early learning: ABC books / alphabet books  
書城編號: 1580712

原價: HK$150.00
現售: HK$142.5 節省: HK$7.5

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出版社: Simply Read Books
出版日期: 2014/07/10
尺寸: 168x114x21mm
重量: 0.31 kg
ISBN: 9781927018446

With so many distractions always near at hand, convincing little ones to learn their ABCs can be a challenge. These gorgeous flash cards make the process easier, and fun for both parent and child. These big, brightly colored, sturdy cards, featuring funny animals, intriguing characters, and objects both familiar and new, are perfect for grasping in small hands. T is for Tumbling makes this first, fundamental step in the reading process an enjoyable one, and proves a unique addition to a diverse collection of art.
Julie Morstad 作者作品表

Time Is a Flower (Hardcover)

This Is Sadie (Hardcover)

Julia, Child (Paperback)

The Almost Everything Book (hardcover)

T Is For Tumbling (Hardcover)

Hide And Seek

How to (Hardcover)

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