Easy Recipes - A Selection of Simple Classics
作者: Christine Ho 
書城編號: 1584960

原價: HK$128.00
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出版社: Newmarket Press
出版日期: 2012/06
頁數: 312
ISBN: 9789626787151_e


How does this cookbook look like?


.A selection of over 60 classic and delicious recipes, including breakfast, tea, main, soup and dessert.

.To use the simple way to help recreate the traditional, homey and tasty dishes.

.To walk you through the 7 Daily Necessities that Every Cook Should Know.

.It’s written in Chinese-English, with clear, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.

 You’ll find this cookbook designed with heaps of photos and know how exactly each dish looks like.

With detailed step-by-step instructions, and pictures side by side, you can follow at ease. For some recipes that call for unique ingredients, there’re pictures of them in order to help you source them.


「Easy Recipes」Website

Blog:  http://en.christinesrecipes.com/   

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/christinesrecipes.zh  


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Christine Ho 作者作品表

Easy Recipes - A Selection of Simple Classics

Dispossessed People (Paperback)

Humane Migration: Establishing Legitimacy and Rights for Displaced People (Hardcover)

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