Town Planning (Paperback)
作者: Tony Hall 
分類: Urban & municipal planning  
書城編號: 1596663

售價: $266.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2019/09/25
尺寸: 193x123x6mm
重量: 0.12 kg
ISBN: 9780367257484
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The planning of urban and rural areas requires thinking about where people will live, work, play, study, shop and how they will get about the place, and to devise strategies for long time periods. Town Planning: The Basics provides a general introduction to the components of urban areas, including housing, transportation and infrastructure, and health and environment, showing how appropriate policies can be developed. Explaining planning activity at different scales of operation, this book distinguishes between the "big stuff", the grand strategy for providing homes, jobs and infrastructure; the "medium stuff", the design and location of development; and the "small stuff" affecting mainly small sites and individual households.

Planning as an activity is part of a complex web stretching way beyond the planning office, and this book provides an overview of the many components needed to create a successful town. It is invaluable to anyone with an interest in planning, from students learning about the subject for the first time to graduates thinking about embarking on a career in planning, to local councillors on planning committees and community boards.

Tony Hall 作者作品表

Gardening with Winter Plants (Hardcover)

Beehive Mancala: A Nature Board Game (Board Games)

Great Trees of Britain and Ireland: Over 70 of the best ancient avenues, forests and trees to visit (Hardcover)

eBook: Kew Gardener's Guide to Growing Roses: The Art and Science to Grow with Confidence (DRM EPUB)

Gardening with Drought-Friendly Plants (Hardcover)

Town Planning (Paperback)

eBook: Town Planning: The Basics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Town Planning: The Basics (DRM PDF)

Falconry Basics (Hardcover)

Immortal Yew (Hardcover)

eBook: Education, Narrative Technologies and Digital Learning: Designing Storytelling for Creativity with Computing (DRM PDF)

eBook: Education, Narrative Technologies and Digital Learning: Designing Storytelling for Creativity with Computing (DRM EPUB)

Wild Plants of Southern Spain (Paperback)

eBook: Robust City (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Robust City (DRM PDF)

eBook: Life and Death of the Australian Backyard (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Life and Death of the Australian Backyard (DRM PDF)

The Leadership Illusion: The Importance of Context and Connections (Hardcover)

eBook: Changing the Face of Hunger: The Story of How Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, and People of Faith are Joining Forces in a New

eBook: My Life in the B.S.A. Police Rhodesia 1961 - 1978 (DRM EPUB)

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