Communication, Cultural and Media Studies (Paperback)
作者: John Hartley 
分類: Cultural studies ,
Media studies  
書城編號: 1597052

售價: $490.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2019/09/25
尺寸: 217x139x19mm
重量: 0.72 kg
ISBN: 9780415787635


Now in its fifth edition, this pioneering volume of Routledge's 'Key Guides' series offers clear explanations of key concepts, showing where they came from, what they are used for and why they provoke discussion or disagreement.

The new edition is extensively revised to keep pace with rapidly evolving developments in communication, culture and media, providing topical and authoritative guidance to transformational shifts from broadcast to digital technologies, national to global media and disciplinary to diverse knowledge. It includes:

  • Nearly 250 entries, covering what and how to study across this multi-disciplinary field;
  • 50 new entries: from algorithm and assemblage, dance and data, to woke and worldbuilding;
  • Updated references with 500 items and suggestions for further reading;
  • Revisions, updates and examples throughout.

For students and seasoned scholars alike, Communication, Cultural and Media Studies is an invaluable resource in an ever-changing landscape.

John Hartley 作者作品表

Make / Believe: We and They on a Digital Planet (Hardcover)

How Green Are Your Eyes (Paperback)

How Green Are Your Eyes (Paperback)

eBook: How Green Are Your Eyes: The Broken Bottle, #2 (DRM EPUB)

Welcome to the Underachievers (Paperback)

The Broken Bottle (Paperback)

Seets i' Paris (Paperback)

Yorkshire Lyrics (Hardcover)

Out of Tune (Paperback)

Seasonal Adjustments (Paperback)

Collected Works of John Hartley (Hardcover)

Yorksher Puddin: A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley (Hardcover)

Collected Works of John Hartley (Paperback)

Yorksher Puddin: A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley (Paperback)

eBook: Advanced Introduction to Creative Industries (DRM PDF)

Advanced Introduction to Creative Industries (Paperback)

Advanced Introduction to Creative Industries (Hardcover)

How We Use Stories and Why That Matters (Hardcover)

Communication, Cultural and Media Studies (Paperback)

6th Battalion the Cheshire Regiment in the Great War (Hardcover)

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