COMM (with COMM Online, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Car (Paperback)
作者: Rudolph F Verderber 
書城編號: 1602574

售價: $750.00

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出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2017/10/02
尺寸: 275x217x15mm
重量: 0.84 kg
ISBN: 9781337406703

Learn Communication YOUR Way with COMM5 This easy-reference, paperback textbook presents course content through visually engaging chapters and Chapter Review Cards that consolidate the best review material into a ready-made study tool. With the textbook or on its own, COMM5 Online allows easy exploration of COMM5 anywhere, anytime--including on your device. Collect your notes, browse interactive content and create StudyBits as you go, to remember what�s important. Then, either use preset study resources or personalize the product through easy-to-use tags and filters to prioritize your study time. Make and review flashcards, review related content and track your progress with Concept Tracker--all in one place and at an affordable price
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