Group Dynamics (7 ed) (Hardcover)
作者: Donelson R Forsyth 
分類: Social interaction  
書城編號: 1602575

售價: $980.00

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出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2017/10/25
尺寸: 191x239x31mm
重量: 1266 grams
ISBN: 9781337408851

Learn how group dynamics theory applies in the real world with the help of this best seller. GROUP DYNAMICS, 7th Edition, covers all major theories and topics pertaining to group and team processes. Focus on what's most important with clearly organized chapters and highlighted key points, and see how to apply concepts to actual groups through extended case studies -- one in every chapter. The author draws on examples from a range of disciplines including psychology, management, law, education, sociology, and political science to help you develop a deeper understanding of each topic that you'll take with you beyond the classroom.
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