Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science (6 ed) (Hardcover)
作者: Richard R Carlton 
分類: Radiology ,
書城編號: 1602589

售價: $2260.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2019/01/01
尺寸: 221x279x30mm
重量: 1842 grams
ISBN: 9781337711067

Fascinated by X-rays and medical imaging technology? Drawn to work that helps others? PRINCIPLES OF RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING: AN ART AND A SCIENCE, 6th Edition reveals the inner workings of radiography careers, including radiologist assistants, radiologic technologists, ultrasound techs, CT and MRI techs, and other imaging roles in health care. Some books dump too much on you too fast, but this one moves at your pace, delivering the math and physics behind radiology before advancing to complex subjects. And it's designed around actual job skills like creating the beam, running scans and tests, and analyzing images--so you can pass accreditation exams and work in emergency rooms and hospitals. Reader-friendly yet packed with information, this text offers all you need to know about digital radiography systems, digital exposure factors, instrumentation and so much more!
Richard R Carlton 作者作品表

Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science (6 ed) (Hardcover)

Principles of Radiographic Imaging (Hardcover)

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