The adventures of Didi and Koko Dodo continue in Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Robo-Dodo Rumble, the next chapter book in the series set in the Flytrap Files universe from New York Times bestselling author Tom Angleberger and illustrator Jared Chapman. Meet Didi Dodo. She's a spy with big ideas and daring plans. Meet Koko Dodo. He's a baker who makes the best cookies in town. Meet Robo-Dodo. Wait! Who's Robo-Dodo? Well, Robo-Dodo is a giant evil robot who also makes cookies. And it's selling them right across the street from Koko Dodo's bakery! And it's only charging a penny for as many as you can eat! Soon Koko Dodo is almost out of business. But lucky for him, there's a spy on the case. Her name? Dodo. Didi Dodo. Read all the hilarious chapter book series in the Flytrap Files universe: Inspector Flytrap Inspector Flytrap The President's Mane Is Missing The Goat Who Chewed Too MuchDidi Dodo, Future Spy Recipe for Disaster Robo-Dodo Rumble Double-O DodoDJ Funkyfoot Butler for Hire! Give Cheese a Chance The Show Must Go Oink