Britain's Toll Roads (Paperback)
作者: Robert Bain 
書城編號: 1604406

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Amberley Publishing Local
出版日期: 2021/08/01
尺寸: 234x165x8mm
ISBN: 9781445690896

Britain's Toll Roads provides a comprehensive state-of-the-practice scan of the toll road sector today, cataloguing all of the toll roads, bridges, and tunnels currently in operation. A number of the larger facilities such as the Thames crossings at Dartford or the Mersey or Tyne tunnels are well-known, yet there are many more, smaller turnpikes dotted around the country. Most of these are privately-owned toll bridges in rural locations that date from the 1800s yet still remain in operation today. Robert Bain consolidates all of this information in this book--providing a unique and fascinating glimpse into road tolling in modern Britain. As an avid proponent of road pricing and a keen photographer, Dr Bain visited all of the UK's toll roads, bridges and tunnels in 2018, capturing images, collecting memorabilia, meeting interesting characters and listening to captivating stories from the past. Additional investigations followed through contact with county councils, enthusiast groups, local history societies and archive offices. This book represents the culmination of his research.
Robert Bain 作者作品表

Britain's Toll Roads (Paperback)

Toll Road Traffic & Revenue Forecasts: Chinese (Hardcover)

Privately Financed Roads in Britain (Paperback)

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