Going Vegan: Your Daily Planner (Paperback)
作者: Michelle Neff 
分類: Cookery for specific diets & conditions ,
Vegetarian cookery  
書城編號: 1607231

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Adams Media Corporation
出版日期: 2019/12/17
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781507212066

Transition to veganism smoothly with this interactive step-by-step guided journal to help you kickstart your vegan diet with delicious recipes, detailed nutritional information, and prompts to record your progress.

Starting to experiment with the world of vegan food? Looking for help keeping your healthy, plant-based eating on track? Ready to take the next step from vegan-ish to full-time vegan? This guided journal is here to help

Going vegan doesn't need to be a scary, drastic change With the right guide you don't need to cut out your favorite foods or restock your home with a new pantry--you can jump head first into a fully vegan lifestyle. In 12 short weeks you can transition to whatever level of veganism is right for you and make it a transformation that will last.

Going Vegan: Your Daily Planner includes easy vegan recipes, detailed nutritional information, and interactive journaling pages that let you track your water, food, and progress every day while creating delicious meals that keep you happy and healthy...all while staying animal-friendly. Get inspired by this motivational daily planner and take the next steps towards making your own vegan diet a success.

Michelle Neff 作者作品表

Going Vegan: Your Daily Planner (Paperback)

Simple Acts to Save Our Planet (Paperback)

eBook: Simple Acts to Save Our Planet: 500 Ways to Make a Difference (DRM EPUB)

eBook: RIZN from the ashes (DRM EPUB)

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