Keto Comfort Foods (Paperback)
作者: Sam Dillard 
分類: Diets & dieting ,
Health & wholefood cookery  
書城編號: 1607237

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Adams Media Corporation
出版日期: 2019/12/10
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781507212202
>> 相關電子書

100 delicious, keto-friendly versions of traditional carb-loaded dishes so you can enjoy your favorite comfort foods and stay on track with your keto goals.

Pizza, pasta, French fries, bread, and baked goods. All of these carb-loaded treats are off-limits on the keto diet. But giving up carbs doesn't mean giving up on the flavors of the comforting high-carb dishes you crave.

In Keto Comfort Foods you will find 100 satisfying, keto-friendly versions of traditionally carb-loaded dishes. From mac and cheese to lasagna to low-carb pastries, you are sure to find new favorites that will please everyone at the table. Including complete nutritional statistics like the total and net carbohydrates, this recipe book will help you kick your carb cravings to the curb and stay on track with your keto diet goals.

Sam Dillard 作者作品表

eBook: "I Love My Air Fryer" Keto Diet 5-Ingredient Recipe Book: From Bacon and Cheese Quiche to Chicken Cordon Bleu, 175 Quick and Easy Keto Recipes

Keto Comfort Foods (Paperback)

eBook: Keto Comfort Foods: 100 Keto-Friendly Recipes for Your Comfort-Food Favorites (DRM EPUB)

Keto Kids Cookbook (Paperback)

eBook: Keto Kids Cookbook: Low-Carb, High-Fat Meals Your Whole Family Will Love! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: "I Love My Air Fryer" Keto Diet Recipe Book: From Veggie Frittata to Classic Mini Meatloaf, 175 Fat-Burning Keto Recipes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: "I Love My Instant Pot(R)" Keto Diet Recipe Book: From Poached Eggs to Quick Chicken Parmesan, 175 Fat-Burning Keto Recipes (DRM EPUB)

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