101 Extreme Survival Techniques for Fortniters (Hardcover)
作者: Jason R Rich 
書城編號: 1607612

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Skyhorse Publishing
出版日期: 2019/11/26
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.66 kg
ISBN: 9781510749740

Take control of your game and win at all cost with 101 Extreme Survival Techniques.

This all-new, unofficial, illustrated guide series will turn you into a master Fortnite: Battle Royale gamer by uncovering all the best strategies and secrets of this wildly popular game. Whether you play Fortnite: Battle Royale on a PC, Mac, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or your mobile device, you'll find everything you need to stay at the top of your game.

Each book is packed with useful insider tips on topics like, staying alive longer, exploring, collecting a powerful arsenal, building, and snagging more victories during each match. When it comes to achieving #1 Victory Royale, the Fortnite Battle Royale: Master Combat Series provides the ultimate competitive edge.

Whether you're a determined newb or a pro gamer, this unofficial, illustrated, how-to guide will give you the knowledge boost you need to take your Fortnite skills to the next level. Thanks to this comprehensive collection of over 100 insider tips and secrets, you'll be better equipped to launch ambushes, outsmart your adversaries, defeat more enemies, collect better loot, and gather the most powerful arsenal possible.

With detailed explanations and colorful action-packed screenshots, Master Combat: 101 Extreme Survival Techniques is designed to improve your fighting and survival skills during every Fortnite: Battle Royale match. Add these proven strategies to your arsenal of tricks and play like a #1 Victory Royale champion.

Jason R Rich 作者作品表

101 Extreme Survival Techniques for Fortniters (Hardcover)

Creative Expert for Fortniters (Hardcover)

All-Terrain Survival for Fortniters (Hardcover)

Expert Secrets to Island Travel for Fortniters (Hardcover)

Encyclopedia of Strategy for Fortniters: An Unofficial Guide (Paperback)

eBook: Fortnite Battle Royale: Advanced Strategies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fortnite Battle Royale Guide:Secrets of the Island (DRM EPUB)

iPad and iPhone Tips and Tricks (Covers iPads and iPhones Ru (Paperback)

Crowd Funding Services Handbook (Hardcover)

How to Do Everything ICloud (Paperback)

Start Your Own Blogging Business (Paperback)

Design and Launch an Online Gift Business in a Week (Paperback)

Mac Migration (Paperback)

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