Celebs At Home (Hardcover)
作者: Andy Bush 
書城編號: 1612046

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版社: Unbound
出版日期: 2020/08/25
尺寸: 156x206x26mm
ISBN: 9781783528196

A collection of cartoons by Absolute Radio presenter My name is Andy Bush, I present the afternoon show on Absolute Radio and when the songs are on I like to draw silly pictures of famous people - now I'm putting these pictures together into one lovely book just for YOU. Celebs at Home is my take on what the rich and famous get up to behind closed doors and away from the glare of the public eye. I'm lucky to get to interview some big stars at Absolute Radio and I've always wondered if they have to do mundane boring stuff like you and I? Do Kraftwerk put the bins out together? Does Paul Weller defrost the freezer with bin bags on the floor? Does Springsteen always accidentally try and turn the telly on with the DVD remote? I would love you forever if you back my book and make this happen so we can finally get these important questions answered once and for all. If you support Celebs at Home you'll not only get a gorgeous little book that'll look amazing on your coffee table but you can also bag yourself a night out with the Absolute Radio team or maybe sit in on my show The sky is the limit
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