Knitted Cars and Trucks (Paperback)
作者: Sarah Keen 
分類: Knitting & crochet  
書城編號: 1612236

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版日期: 2019/12/03
尺寸: 235x210x12mm
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781784945381


Live life in the knitted fast lane with these super-cool, super-sized knitted cars and trucks for children to enjoy. Wave goodbye to little metal vehicles being driven into furniture and painful feet from treading on small metal parts, and say hello to these wonderfully soft, squishy four wheelers. Complete with a knitted road playmat to drive them on and accessories such as traffic lights, cones and barriers to add to the fun, children will get hours and hours of playtime from these fabulous projects. Vehicles include a 4 x 4, London bus, fire engine, police car, bulldozer, racing car, London black cab, articulated truck, tractor, tanker, crane, ambulance, recycling truck, limousine, camper van, a car with a caravan and a car breakdown rescue vehicle.

Sarah Keen 作者作品表

Knitted Farm Friends (Paperback)

Celiac Disease Cookbook: Dеlісіоuѕ аnd Nutrіtіоuѕ, Glutеn-Frе (Paper

Knitted Cars and Trucks (Paperback)

Knitted Farmyard (Paperback)

Knitted Safari (Paperback)

50 Knitted Dolls (Paperback)

Topsy-Turvy Knitted Dolls (Paperback)

100 Little Knitted Projects (Paperback)

Knitted Fairy Tales (Paperback)

Knitted Nursery Rhymes (Paperback)

eBook: Knitted Farm Animals (DRM EPUB)

Knitted Noah's Ark (Paperback)

Knitted Farm Animals (Paperback)

Knitted Wild Animals (Paperback)

Knitted Wild Animals (Paperback)

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