Three Circles Into One: Brexit Britain (Paperback)
作者: William Waldegrave 
分類: Politics & government ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 1617312

售價: $168.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7-14 天

出版日期: 2019/09/12
尺寸: 199x130x8mm
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781912914104


As the UK's national narrative falters and trust in key political institutions is wavering what does the future hold? Is the UK set to become 'Singapore on Thames?' as some suggest? What might a future relationship with the EU look like? What would it take to rekindle a real enthusiasm for the European project, as opposed to the semi-detached relationship Britain has had with the EU? How do we rebuild trust in our institutions and create a new, 21st century national narrative for Britain?

William Waldegrave says ' Whatever happens about Brexit, Britain is going to change forever. We will have to decide what kind of country we want to be. We will need a new national narrative. I want to start people thinking about all our futures.'

William Waldegrave 作者作品表

Three Circles Into One: Brexit Britain (Paperback)

Different Kind of Weather (Paperback)

Different Kind of Weather (Hardcover)

eBook: Different Kind Of Weather: A Memoir (DRM EPUB)

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