Cradle to Grave (Paperback)
作者: Rachel Amphlett 
書城編號: 1617498

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版日期: 2019/10/06
尺寸: 203x127x21mm
重量: 0.33 kg
ISBN: 9781916098817


When a faceless body is found floating in the river on a summer's morning, Detective Kay Hunter and her team are tasked with finding out the man's identity - and where he came from.

The investigation takes a sinister turn when an abandoned boat is found, covered in blood stains and containing a child's belongings.

Under mounting pressure from a distraught family and an unforgiving media, the police are in a race against time - but they have no leads, and no motive for the events that have taken place.

Will Kay be able to find a ruthless killer and a missing child before it's too late?

Cradle to Grave is the eighth book in the Detective Kay Hunter series by USA Today bestselling author Rachel Amphlett, and perfect for fans of crime thrillers.

Longlisted, 2020 Davitt Awards

Rachel Amphlett 作者作品表

A Fatal Silence: A Detective Kay Hunter crime thriller (large print) ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

A Fatal Silence: A Detective Kay Hunter crime thriller (Paperback)

A Fatal Silence: A Detective Kay Hunter crime thriller (Hardcover)

eBook: Fatal Silence (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Eleventh Grave (DRM EPUB)

The Eleventh Grave: A Detective Mark Turpin crime thriller (Paperback)

The Eleventh Grave: A Detective Mark Turpin crime thriller (Paperback)

The Eleventh Grave: A Detective Mark Turpin crime thriller (Hardcover)

The Eleventh Grave: A Detective Mark Turpin crime thriller (large print) ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

The Eleventh Grave: A Detective Mark Turpin crime thriller (large print) ((Large Print)) (Hardcover)

Hangman's Gap: An Australian crime thriller ((Large Print)) (Hardcover)

Hangman's Gap: An Australian rural crime thriller (large print) ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Hangman's Gap: An Australian crime thriller (Hardcover)

Hangman's Gap: An Australian crime thriller (Paperback)

eBook: Hangman's Gap (DRM EPUB)

Hangman's Gap: An Australian rural crime thriller (Paperback)

Devil of a Favor: A short crime fiction story (Paperback)

Three Ways to Die: A short crime fiction story (Paperback)

A Burning Question: A Detective Kay Hunter short story (Paperback)

eBook: Deadly Promise (DRM EPUB)

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