【法律】 ★ The skillful and unprecedented design on the wall of the City Council is ruled by the judge as vandalism . 在市議會牆上史無前例且精心製作的設計被法官評定為是對藝術的破壞。
The construction site has remained unused due to a sudden court order by the prosecutor five months ago. 由於五個月前檢察官突然出示的法庭令,建築地點仍維持未使用 。
The Judge has requested the defense to examine toxicity of different fruits and submit the report tomorrow afternoon. 法官已經要求辯方去檢視不同水果中的毒性並且於明日下午遞交報告。
【生物】 ★ Angry chameleons are quite conspicuous in the forests since their coloration has changed from forest green to blazing red. 生氣的變色龍在森林中顯得相當引人注目,因為牠們的顏色已經從森林綠轉成炙烈的紅色。
★Island lizards indefinitely roam on the shore, trying to escape predators and find the shelter. 島上蜥蜴不確定地漫遊在岸邊,試圖逃避掠食者和找到庇護所。
★ Even though crocodiles are dominating the swamp and nearby river, pythons do pose a great threat to them. 即使鱷魚在沼澤和鄰近的溪邊佔優勢,但是巨蟒對牠們造成很大程度的威脅。