Re-Discovering Age(ing): Narratives of Mentorship (Paperback)
作者: Núria Casado-Gual 
分類: Literature: history & criticism ,
Age groups: the elderly ,
書城編號: 16207382

售價: $300.00

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出版社: Transcript Verlag
出版日期: 2019/09/17
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9783837643961

Since Mentor, Telemachus's advisor in Homer's Odyssey, gave name to the figure of the "wise teacher," fictional representations of mentoring have permeated different classic and contemporary cultural texts of different literary genres such as fiction, poetry, and life writing. The contributions of this volume analyze this narrative of mentorship that offers a mirror and also a narrative practice through which ageist views of later life (and also of youth) may be undermined, while it at the same time enables a study of questions relevant to wisdom in old age.
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