The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence: Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms (Paperback)
作者: Andreas Sudmann 
分類: Media studies ,
Political structures: democracy  
書城編號: 16207435

原價: HK$784.00
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出版社: Transcript Verlag
出版日期: 2020/02/04
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9783837647198

After a long time of neglect, artificial intelligence is once again at the center of many of our political, economic, and sociocultural debates. Recent advances in the field of artifical neural networks have led to a renaissance of dystopian and utopian speculations on an AI-rendered future. Algorithmic technologies are deployed for identifying potential terrorists through vast surveillance networks, for producing sentencing guidelines and recidivism risk profiles in criminal justice systems, for demographic and psychographic targeting of bodies for advertising or propaganda, and more generally for automating the analysis of language, text, and images. Against this background, the aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms?
Andreas Sudmann 作者作品表

Beyond Quantity: Research with Subsymbolic AI (Paperback)

eBook: Serielle Uberbietung: Zur televisuellen Asthetik und Philosophie exponierter Steigerungen (DRM PDF)

eBook: Der Widerspenstigen Zahmung?: Zur Politik der Reprasentation im gegenwartigen US-amerikanischen Independent-Film (DRM PDF)

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